The role of Council’s Council Assessment Panel (CAP) is to make decisions on development applications presented by Council planning staff.
As required by the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 (the Act), the Panel consists of five members, with a minimum of four independent members. In its’ role as planning authority, the CAP operates under the Act (and during the transition to the Act, the Development Act 1993).
CAP meetings are scheduled for the 4th Tuesday of each month at the Council Chamber, Minlaton Town Hall, commencing 9.30am, unless otherwise advised.
The public and media are welcome at meetings, however there are general protocols for those wishing to observe the proceedings. Members of the gallery cannot take part in debate at meetings, do not need to stay for the entire meeting, and may leave quietly at any time.
Agendas and Minutes
Access to the agenda and minutes for CAP meetings are available from the Agendas and Minutes page.
CAP Membership
Presiding Member
Mrs Deb Agnew
Independent Members
Mr Peter Allen
Mr Ben Green
Mr Stephen Horsell
Council Member
Deputy Mayor Richard Carruthers
Deputy Independent Member
Mr Jordan Hunt
Deputy Elected Member
Cr Kylie Gray
Code of Conduct
The Minister for Planning has adopted a code of conduct that is to be observed by all members of the CAP. The code of conduct is available here.
Complaints or concerns about behaviour that is in contravention of the code of conduct must be addressed in writing to the State Planning Commission.
Phone: (08) 7109 7466
Post: GPO Box 1815, Adelaide SA 5001
Assessment Manager
The CAP has an Assessment Manager that, amongst other things, is appointed to manage the staff and operations of the assessment panel as well as provide advice to the assessment panel (as appropriate).
Mr Dustin Guthberg, Director Development Services, is the Assessment Manager to the CAP.
Telephone: (08) 8832 0000
Correspondence to: PO Box 57, Maitland SA 5573