Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 10 of the Roads (Opening & Closing) Act 1991 that the Yorke Peninsula Council proposes to make a Road Process Order to close and merge Glen Street Maitland with Allotment 10 Osmond Street and Allotment 52 Clinton Road, Maitland. Notice of Proposed Road Closure – Glen Street Maitland
The Maitland Lutheran School has made a formal request to Council to purchase and close Glen Street, Maitland for the purpose of further development of outdoor play space, educational facilities and car parking due to enrolment growth and expansion into senior secondary education.
A copy of the Preliminary Plan and a Statement of Persons Affected are available for public inspection at Council offices or below.
As part of Council’s consultation process we invite you to provide us with your feedback.
You can do this by
- email –
- post – PO Box 57, Maitland SA 5573
- All feedback must be retuned by 5pm on 30 December 2021
If you require more information on the proposal please contact Council’s Property Tenure Officer Sue Beech on phone 8823 0000 or email