Proposed Road Closures – Point Davenport Conservation Park, Hundred of Coonarie pursuant to Roads (Opening & Closing) Act 1991
Point Davenport Conservation Park (Park) is located on a promontory that separates Foul Bay from Sturt Bay, midway along the southern coastline of Yorke Peninsula covering 247 hectares and was proclaimed in 2008. It is an area of high biodiversity with a range of habitats including beaches and foredunes, and an estuary that is listed as a nationally important wetland. The park borders a swamp fringed by Paperbark Tea-Trees (Melaleuca halmaturorum).
The unmade surveyed public roads within the Park are heavily vegetated with native vegetation, predominately with Tea-Trees. The proposal to close the subject roads within the boundaries of the Park will protect, retain and restore significant areas of native vegetation.
The public consultation period will commence on Thursday, 16 May 2024 and conclude on Thursday 13 June 2024.
Should you wish to make an application for an easement or objection, please refer to the public notice for details.
Enquiries can be directed to Council’s Property Tenure Officer on 8832 0000 or