We want to make sure that our site is widely accessible, so if you have any problems or difficulties using this site please let us know.
PDF documents
Some documents on this site are Portable Document Format (PDF) files. In this format you can easily save, view and print the file exactly as it was created, with the same layout, images etc.
To do this you need software called Adobe Acrobat Reader. This is free and simple to download from the Adobe website.
Acrobat Reader program also has a help function. Click on Help from the menu bar at the top of the screen and then select Reader Guide from the drop down menu.
Viewing large files
The size of a file is given in kilobytes or megabytes beside each link like this:
Name of file (654KB)
Large PDF files over 500KB can take some time to download, particularly if you are using an older computer and have a slow internet connection or over mobile device.
If you have problems with any particular file and cannot get help from the places mentioned above, please contact us.
Giving feedback
We use your feedback to:
- measure customer satisfaction over time
- see which areas of the website are most in need of improvement
- help us to prioritise our continuous improvement programme.
If you have a problem which requires an individual response please contact us.
Further assistance
If you require any further assistance with using this website, please contact us.