Council Assessment Panel
Expressions of interest
A vacancy has recently become available for an Independent Member of Council’s Assessment Panel. Pursuant to the Development Act 1993, Council must appoint one (1) member to its panel of five (5) members.
Council is seeking expressions of interest from the public for the membership vacancy of Council’s Assessment Panel (CAP). The CAP has responsibility for assessing development applications referred for decisions under the delegation of Council. Additionally, CAP also advises the Council on development assessment trends and issues, and performs other functions assigned by Council.
Interested persons should ideally possess qualifications or experience in one or more of the following fields –town planning, architecture, heritage architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, environmental planning and environmental planning and law, or any other field that is relevant to the activities of the panel.
Independent members are compensated for their time and expertise by an appropriate level of remuneration, determined by the Council. CAP meetings are held monthly or when required in the Council Chamber at Minlaton; at times there are on-site inspections undertaken with staff.
Expressions of interest detailing experience, qualifications, skills and knowledge should be forwarded to:
Roger Brooks
Director Development Services
Yorke Peninsula Council
PO Box 57
Maitland SA 5573
or via email
by Wednesday, 16th January, 2019.
The term of this CAP appointment is until 30th June, 2019.
For further information please feel free to contact Mr Roger Brooks, Director Development Services on 8832 0000.
Andrew Cameron