We wish to advise that Yorke Peninsula Council has recently contracted and authorized National Drones to undertake aerial photography of the Point Turton Township commencing 20th June, 2019.
Council is trialing the use of drones as an alternative mapping photography method instead of the current fixed-wing flyover service. National Drones provides an alternate, cost effective way of photographing the Yorke Peninsula region from above. Residents may notice the Drone more prominently as it will fly over the town at 90m instead of 15,000 ft, like a fixed-wing aircraft usually would.
The imagery captured during this exercise will be used for Council services such as having up to date information when assessing development applications or planning and approving other infrastructure related works.
Please direct any questions you may have to Jeff Craigie of National Drones via the contact details below.
Jeff Craigie
0477 883 151