Proposed prescribed burns on the west-side of Marion Bay
- Friday 11th October 2019
- 5:00-6:30 pm
- Marion Bay Community Hall
Residents and neighbours are invited to attend a public meeting to discuss issues associated with two proposed prescribed burns on the west side of Marion Bay.
Marion Bay has a significant fuel load adjacent to the houses on the west side of the town. Many of these houses would be un-defendable during a bushfire.
The purpose of these burns is to reduced fuel, and limit the spread and impact of bushfire toward Marion Bay from the west. This burn will add to other prescribed burns to make the area safer from bushfire.
Burn 1 is proposed for Autumn (April 2020) subject to suitable weather conditions. It will be conducted by Department for Environment & Water (DEW) and Country Fire Service (CFS) crews.
Please remember that prescribed burns limit the impact of bushfire, however it is your preventive measures that make the biggest difference towards protecting your property and family. For more information on fire safety and fire prevention please visit the CFS website:
For further information on prescribed burn planning and operations please visit: