Graduate opportunities
Work experience placements
Can I submit an unsolicited job application?
I am interested in working for the Yorke Peninsula Council, but can’t see any current job vacancies. Can I still submit an application?
It is general Council policy that all applicants for positions vacant must obtain a copy of the specific job specification document. This is because selection for an interview is dependant upon your ability to demonstrate that you meet the essential selection criteria for that particular position in the first instance.
Persons interested in working for the Yorke Peninsula Council are encouraged to contact Team Leader, HR and People Experience to discuss possible future employment opportunities as well as bookmarking this site for regular reference.
Is this the job for me?
The advertisement is a summary of what the job involves and what kind of skills, experience and qualifications eligible applicants require. If you have any further questions about the position, ring the contact officer listed in the advertisement.
Where can I submit my job application?
Hand delivered: Any Yorke Peninsula Council office
Postal service: PO Box 57, Maitland SA 5573
Applications must be enclosed in an envelope and clearly marked with the specific job ID number. Please remember to allow appropriate time for your application to be delivered via the postal network.
How can I find out what current job vacancies are available at the Yorke Peninsula Council?
All current job vacancies are advertised on this website. Click here to visit our current job vacancies page.
In addition, the Yorke Peninsula Council advertises job vacancies in the weekly edition of the Yorke Peninsula Country Times newspaper and on occasions, the Advertiser as well. Depending on the nature of the position, other media, publications, websites (for example, Careers in councils) and industry specific forums may also be used.