Harry won, of course, mainly because of his ability to come up very close to the GPO tower and just nip around it very smartly, while Briggs and McNamara made circumspect wide turns at a stately pace.
After the contest, Butler, McNamara gave a magnificent aerial display that thrilled and stunned the thousands watching.
Perhaps the added exhilaration of recent success and the joy of having another skilled flyer to combine with, brought Butler’s genius to new and wonderful heights. Whatever the reasons, onlookers were agreed that the crowd was treated to a thrilling display of stunting that was the cleverest that Harry Butler had ever shown in Adelaide.
A human touch that seems to verify that elation of the flyers comes from Lt. Briggs himself: “Mac, Harry and I later had a spot together to celebrate Australia’s first Aerial Derby, and another for being participants, and three more for each other’s health. Can’t remember what the other excuses were. A good ending to the brightest little show it has been my pleasure to be in.”