You may object to the valuation referred to on your Rates Notice by writing served personally or by post to the Valuer-General within 60 days after the date of service of the notice. But note:
a) if you have previously received a notice or notices under the Local Government Act 1999 referring to the valuation and informing you of a 60-day objection period, the objection period is 60 days after service of the first such notice;
b) this 60-day objection period may be extended by the Valuer-General where it can be shown there is a reasonable cause;
c) you may not object to the valuation if the Valuer-General has already considered an objection by you to that valuation.
A written objection to valuation must set out the grounds for objection. Objections can be submitted via an online form by following the Property Values link at or forwarded to Land Services SA, GPO Box 1354, Adelaide SA 5001.
- Email
- Phone 1300 653 345 for objection enquiries
If you lodge an objection, your quarterly rates payment must still be paid in full by the last day to pay – any reduction in rates resulting from the objection will be provided by way of an adjustment or prompt refund upon Council receiving the relevant information from Land Services SA.