Council is committed to continually improving the service it provides and all feedback received is considered a mechanism for collecting information on Council’s performance in the eyes of the community. In many cases feedback relates to a request for service (Customer Service Requests) or an expression of gratitude, however occasionally Council receives complaints which are managed in accordance with its Complaints Policy
A complaint is defined as an expression of dissatisfaction with a product or service provided by Council, or its representative, that has failed to reach the standard stated, implied or expected. A complaint to Council may relate to a decision by Council or its employees which may affect a ratepayer, community member, organisation or business.
The following is NOT considered a complaint:
- A request for Council services (unless it is a second request, where there was no response to the first).
- A request for documents, information or explanation of policies or procedures.
- A request for Council to exercise a regulatory function (unless it is a second request, where there was no response to the first).
- The lodging of an appeal or objection in accordance with a statutory process, standard procedure or policy (unless this is recorded as a complaint about Council’s decision making. – this will be dealt with under Review of Council Decisions Policy)
- A submission relating to the exercise of a regulatory function (e.g. an objection to a development application or a submission on a policy).
Submit a complaint via our online form.
You can also contact us using the following details:
- Phone us on (08) 8832 0000
- Email us via
- Write to us at PO Box 57, Maitland SA 5573
Review of Internal Decisions
Council is committed to ensuring its customers are provided with an open, responsive and accountable process for reviewing grievances.
Council’s Complaints Policy (PO147) adopts a three-tiered approach to categorising and managing complaints with the third tier being an internal review in accordance with the PO037 Internal Review of a Council Decision Policy.
The Review of Internal Decisions Policy serves to provide a fair, consistent and structured process for Council’s customers if they are dissatisfied with a previous decision made by Council (including Council employees or other persons acting on behalf of the Council), in accordance with the requirements under Section 270 of the Local Government Act 1999