It is our goal to create a sustainable environment in our Council area. By recycling more we can reduce the volume of household materials going to landfill.
What you can do to assist in recycling
Council encourages recycling. You can recycle items by placing them in your recycling bin (yellow lid).
Recyclables such as cardboard, paper, steel cans or glass can also be disposed at any of Council’s transfer stations if segregated and securely packaged. Normal disposal fees apply for these items.
Hard waste steel such as tanks, corrugated iron, old fences, etc. MUST also be packaged for easy disposal AND be segregated from other waste material.
Cardboard and paper must be laid flat and securely tied.
Garden trimmings and tree cuttings are NOT classified as recyclable. If you are a township resident, you can place them in your green organics bin.
What happens to your recycling?
The recycling from yellow-lid recycling bins collected in the Yorke Peninsula Council area are taken to NAWMA’s Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in Edinburgh for processing, where their contents are sorted into secondary raw materials. Currently around 80% of all recovered recycling streams are recycled in South Australia and interstate. NAWMA is committed to processing 100% of recyclables recovered from its yellow-lid recycling bins in Australia by 2020.
It is important that residents continue to recycle so that resources are not lost to landfill and that the many jobs created by the local recycling industry are maintained.
To see how recyclables are separated and processed at the MRF, please watch this video:
With China introducing its National Sword Policy, NAWMA took the initiative to find new markets for recyclables that were being sent to China. Please watch the following video to see what improvements NAWMA made at the MRF to allow this to happen:
To learn more about what happens to the raw plastics, and to learn about NAWMA’s circular economy processes in action, watch this recent segment from the ABC News:
If you would like to learn more, or to book a place on a free community tour, call NAWMA on 8259 2100.