The Local Government Act sites a number of conditions where members of the public must obtain a permit from their local Council such as use of a public road for business purposes (e.g. cafes and kiosks on the side of the road or footpath) or place rubbish in a public place. More specific references are located within Council’s by-laws.
Where a by-law requires that permissions be obtained, any person seeking the grant of permission must submit a written application to Council and accompanied the prescribed fee (if applicable). All fees for obtaining necessary permits can be found within Council’s Fees and Charges register which is reviewed an updated annually.
Staff at any Council office can also assist with the completion of the application forms and payment.
To seek relevant permissions, the following permit forms must be completed and returned to Council in a timely manner:
SF017 Authorisation to Collect Fallen Timber (Wood permit)
SF129 Permit to use Public Road
SF160 Stall Holder Exhibitor Permit
SF180 Application to Collect Monies on Council Footpaths
Any person who commits a breach of any by-law is guilty of an offence and may be liable to pay a penalty as described within the by-laws.
For further information, Council has adopted the following policies:
PO074 Native Plant Collection Permits Policy
PO083 Authorisation to Collect Fallen Timber
Council has also produced the following information sheets that form the conditions of a Schedule 9 permit obtained by farmers for burning off:
IS032 Permit Conditions for Burning Off Broadacres & Canola Stubble
IS034 Permit Conditions for Patching Out, Fire & Dump Harrowing
For more information, refer to the fire safety section.
The validation of Schedule 9 Permits are available online from 15 February to 30 April.