Numerous approved bush camping sites exist throughout the Yorke Peninsula and are situated at some of the most beautiful scenic coastal areas, which are accessible by conventional vehicles. One permit is required per vehicle. Permits are required for all locations, purchase a permit here. For more information please visit or call 1800 202 445.
Camping locations
To assist you to locate a bush camping spot on the Yorke Peninsula we have created a map indicating many popular coastal camp sites. Please note that the Yorke Peninsula Council Bush Camping Permit does not include the Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park, which has a separate booking system. This system can be found here.
Camping permits and fees
A Bush Camping Permit gives you access to a specific Bush Campground site. This is because all campgrounds now have maximum capacity limits. For instance, if a campground has a set capacity of 30 vehicles, then once the 30th person books, the system will not allow any more permit sales for that date. This guarantees campers will have space available to them. It will also ensure campgrounds do not become overcrowded, so campers have a more enjoyable time and the environment is not adversely impacted.
As from 1st September 2016 the following came into effect:
- All designated bush camping grounds are subject to a fee and a permit must be obtained prior to setting up camp
- permit type available – nightly, weekly, monthly or annual
- Yorke Peninsula ratepayers are entitled to discount. Must provide ‘rates assessment number’ when completing form
- Anyone camping without first obtaining a permit may be liable to a $150 fine
- All camping permits are recorded on a central data base
Find out more about camping permits here.
Toilet facilities
Bush Camping has been designed for self-contained camping. The toilets have been installed as an additional facility not to service all visitors. For visitors planning to rely only on facilities provided, we recommend booking into one of our beautiful caravan parks. Toilet paper is not supplied at any campground – please provide your own.
The Gap (No. 1), Port Minlacowie (No. 6), Burners Beach (No. 8), Gleesons Landing (No. 11), Daly Head (No. 12), Wauraltee Beach (No.4), Barkers Rocks (No. 5), Goldsmiths Beach (No. 17) and Parara (No. 19) camping areas, have toilet facilities. All other camping sites have no toilet facilities. Gleesons Landing also has a water pump available for the use of bathing and washing, however is not fit for drinking.
Camp fire information
Campfires are only permitted in designated camping areas, outside of the Fire Danger Season (FDS). During FDS all campfires (defined as a fire on the ground) are banned in all Bush Campgrounds. Electric or gas barbeques or cooking appliances are allowed during FDS providing:
- The barbecue is clear of all flammable material to a distance of at least 4 metres; and
- A person who is able to control the fire is present at the site of the fire until it is extinguished; and
- An appropriate extinguisher is at hand; and
- It is not forecast as a Total Fire Ban day.
The camping locations are all part of the Yorke Peninsula Fire ban district. Please check the CFS website for fire ban updates
Failure to comply may result in a $473 Expiation Notice.
It is illegal to take wood from a roadside or reserve for campfire use.
Dump Points and Water
A list of dump points and water points are available on the Visitor Information website.
Information about the water refill stations is available here
Bin Banks
Only 2 campgrounds (Gleesons Landing and Burners Beach) have bin banks. These were established well before the current Bush Camping system and have been allowed to remain. The other campgrounds are serviced by numerous bin banks and skip bins placed seasonally. A up-to-date list can be found at
If bins are full, please take your rubbish home or to the next bin bank. If rubbish is left by the bins or not disposed of properly, it can
- attract rodents and other pests – which are unwelcomed visitors in campgrounds and the fragile coastal environment
- end up in our oceans and become lethal to our marine animals
Excluded camping locations
Camping is only permitted in designated camping locations via the camping permit.
For further information, please contact Yorke Peninsula Visitor Information on 1800 202 445.
Bush Camping Feedback
We would love to hear how your stay went. Fill out this quick survey and let us know what you liked and if there is anything we can do better.
Walk the Yorke
Walkers/cyclists without support vehicles that are hiking the Walk the York Trail may camp outside of town areas alongside the WTY Trail. All campers must abide by the LEAVE NO TRACE ethos. Camping is not allowed in conservation parks – this includes Wills Creek, Point Davenport and Levens Beach. Fees will apply if you camp in any privately owned camp ground.
There is camping available in Innes National Park. Although an entry permit is not required for walkers into the park, camp sites must be booked prior to setting up camp. Booking for Innes National Park camp sites is available here.