Invest on the Yorke Peninsula
Yorke Peninsula economic profile is available at Yorke Peninsula economic development and tourism strategy 2022-2026 provides a blueprint and sets out a pathway for Council, stakeholders and the community to work together over the next five years to achieve the goal of “economically prosperous Yorke Peninsula”. You would like to discuss your business ideas... [Continue reading]
Business E-News
Yorke Peninsula Council produces a regular business e-news to share the latest business updates on the Yorke Peninsula, including: Business and economic development news Business Enhancement Program updates, including latest successful business grant applications Available business grant opportunities Upcoming business workshops/training/events Business stories, including the introduction of new businesses on the Yorke Peninsula If you... [Continue reading]
Other Resources
Job match Are you looking for expanding your team? Or need casual and relief workers? You might want to offer on the job training opportunities in the way of a traineeship/internship/apprenticeship? Regional Development Australia Yorke and Mid North offers a free service to promote your job ads/skills required to maximise its exposure to local and... [Continue reading]
Registration, license, permit, compliance, checklist, and template
Whether you are starting a new business or have plans buying or expanding an existing business; there are a range of registrations, licenses, permits, approvals and compliance your business might need from Council. Below is essential information to guide your engagement with Council in support of your business enquiries. Development approval Are you planning to... [Continue reading]
Business Enhancement Program
About the Business Enhancement Program (BEP) If you are a business looking to set up in the Yorke Peninsula Council district OR if you are an existing local business looking to create new employment opportunities or expansion into new markets We want to help! Yorke Peninsula Council is committed to supporting economic growth and job... [Continue reading]