Members of the public are invited to attend the following Anzac Day Services (with consideration for COVID restrictions) commencing promptly at the following locations and times
Dawn Service at 6.15am, end of First Street on the clifftop at the new Memorial, followed by a breakfast ($5) at the RSL Clubrooms. A march to the memorial will also be conducted with assembly outside Bank SA at 10.30am for a 10.45am step off. Following the march, a service will commence at 11.00am.
Dawn Service at 6.30am at the War Memorial Arch at the Oval, followed by a breakfast at the Clubrooms (gold coin donation).
Service at 10.30am in the Memorial Gardens, Bublacowie Museum. Museum and surround displays open following service. Lunch available for purchase. Stalls and entertainment by local artists.
Corny Point
Service at 9.00am at the Memorial Garden, followed by morning tea in the Corny Point Church Building.
Service at 11.00am in the Memorial Gardens. 100 years Celebration and unveiling of new plaque followed by display and light lunch.
Dawn Service at 6.30am at the War Memorial – followed by a Gunfire Breakfast at the RSL & Bowling Club. Anzac Parade and RAAF flypast. Music and lunch at the Clubrooms.
Dawn Service at 6.30am at the War Memorial in Robert Street, Maitland. Followed by breakfast at Cougars Football Club.
Dawn Service at 6.30am at the War Memorial, Main Street, Minlaton, followed by breakfast at Minlaton Golf Club.
Pine Point
Service at 6.00am Pine Point Memorial Hall. Followed by bacon and egg breakfast in the hall (gold coin donation)
Port Clinton
Dawn service at 6.00am cnr Yoolamardy/Yelta St. Followed by Gunfire Breakfast in community hall, 10.30am activities at Sports Community club – sausage sizzle.
Port Victoria
Dawn Service at 6.00am at the Memorial in the Main Street followed by a Gunfire Breakfast.
Port Vincent
March to the War Memorial from the Bowling Clubrooms (Talbot Rd) starting at 6.45am, followed by a Service at 7.00am at the War Memorial (cnr of Parsons St and Kemp St).
Dawn Service at 6.30am at the War Memorial on the Foreshore followed by breakfast at the Stansbury Soldiers Memorial Institute.
Dawn Service at 6.30am at the Town Hall, Player Street. During the Service there will be a march to the Memorial Gates at the Warooka Oval where wreaths will be laid. Followed by Tea and Coffee served in the Hall.
Dawn Service at 6.30am march on of the Catafalque Party conducted at the Stansbury Road Memorial adjacent to the sports oval. Breakfast will be provided in the club rooms after the service (donation)
Lest We Forget